《从 “中国民艺国际视频网站——中国藤” 建设看跨文化交流与学习》摘要:“中国民艺国际视频网站——中国藤”是由美国中佛罗里达大学、美国俄勒冈大学与山东工艺美术学院三所高校共同开展的国际合作项目。该网站旨在向西方国家宣传、介绍蕴育于山东省的中国传统民间手工艺术与文化。本文记述了三所高校合作建设“中国民艺国际视频网站——中国藤”的过程。该视频网站的建设工作,将配合2008年北京奥运会即将到来的有利时机,更好地向西方国家宣传中国传统文化与传统民间手工艺术,增强西方民众对于中国传统文化的了解与兴趣。我们力图通过 “中国藤网站”建设中无等级观念的团队合作方式,探讨文化差异与跨文化交流与学习的问题。
CROSS-CULTURAL LEARNING THROUGH CHINAVINEbyKristin G. Congdon University of Central FloridaandDoug Blandy University of Oregon
Cumulus Seminar 2008Jinan, China
AbstractChinaVine is a partnership project among three universities: The University of Central Florida, the University of Oregon, and Shandong University of Art and Design in Jinan, China. This paper describes the collaborative process involved in making the ChinaVine website that functions to teach English-speaking audiences about Chinese folk art in Shandong Province. The development of this website anticipates the likely interest in Chinese culture prior to, during, and after the 2008 Beijing Oylmpic Games. Using a nonhierarchical methodology for our teamwork, we address issues of cultural difference and cross-cultural learning. THE MAKING OF CHINAVINE: PARTNERING ACROSS COUNTRIES Zhang Yi Gui is in her eighties and lives in Quan Bei Village within Shandong Province, China. Locally, Zhang is known for the shoes that she makes and embroiders for infants. Using multiple colors of thread, Zhang embroiders flower designs on shoes for girls and tiger heads on shoes for boys. The soles are embroidered with evenly placed minute white stitches. Zhang is passing on her craft to her daughter-in-law (personal communication, May 6, 2007). Within Zhang’s lifetime extraordinary political and cultural changes have occurred in China. Born not long after the abdication of the last Qing emperor (1912), China would be ruled by warlords (early twentieth century), see the founding of the Communist Party (1921), be occupied by Japan (1931